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Slaying Excel Dragons Pdf Free

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This enthusiastic introduction provides support for Excel beginners and focuses on using the program immediately for maximum efficiency. With 1,104 screenshots and explicit information on everything from rows, columns, and cells to subtotaling, sorting, and pivot tables, this guide aims to alleviate the frustrations that come with using the program for the first time. This manual offers strategies for avoiding problems and streamlining efficiency and assists readers from start to finish, turning Excel 2010 novices into experts.

Author:Mike GirvinISBN:021Genre:ComputersFile Size:38.84 MBFormat:PDF, ePub, DocsDownload:119Read:364This enthusiastic introduction provides support for Excel beginners and focuses on using the program immediately for maximum efficiency. With 1,104 screenshots and explicit information on everything from rows, columns, and cells to subtotaling, sorting, and pivot tables, this guide aims to alleviate the frustrations that come with using the program for the first time. This manual offers strategies for avoiding problems and streamlining efficiency and assists readers from start to finish, turning Excel 2010 novices into experts.

Author:Mike GirvinISBN:298Genre:ComputersFile Size:34.29 MBFormat:PDF, ePub, DocsDownload:129Read:992Designed with Excel gurus in mind, this handbook outlines how to create formulas that can be used to solve everyday problems with a series of data values that standard Excel formulas cannot or would be too arduous to attempt. Beginning with an introduction to array formulas, this manual examines topics such as how they differ from ordinary formulas, the benefits and drawbacks of their use, functions that can and cannot handle array calculations, and array constants and functions. Among the practical applications surveyed include how to extract data from tables and unique lists, how to get results that match any criteria, and how to utilize various methods for unique counts. This book contains 529 screen shots.

Author:Bill JelenISBN:Genre:File Size:63.97 MBFormat:PDF, KindleDownload:163Read:523Formulas and functions are among what Excel does best, and the most commonly used aspect of the program that is in use on 750 million desktops, but with as many as 455 functions users can get easily overwhelmed, which is why this tip card was created to be as easy to use as possible. From SUM and AVERAGE to VLOOKUP and SUMPRODUCT, this card illustrates the most important functions and groups them into helpful subject matters that include rounding, lookup, text handling, and condition.

It uses an illustrative approach to its lessons, and instead of merely stating tips will present a problem and the formula needed to solve the problem. Author:Bill JelenISBN:Genre:File Size:32.71 MBFormat:PDF, ePubDownload:150Read:1172Pivot tables are a highly useful feature in Excel, the leading desktop spreadsheet program, once the user masters their many abilities of summarization—a task made much less daunting with this special tip sheet that offers condensed must-know information on how to work with pivot tables.

Ideal for creating one-page summary reports, pivot tables can be used by spreadsheet creators to report on such key data items as the top five customers, top 10 products, annual revenue changes, and many others. The card is helpful to users of either Excel 2010 or 2013, and includes necessary lessons, such as creating the first pivot table, as well as advanced topics that include date rollups, grouping, calculated fields, and basic troubleshooting. Author:Bill JelenISBN:161547997XGenre:File Size:76.99 MBFormat:PDF, MobiDownload:248Read:985Excel's VLOOKUP function is useful when merging two data sets and this handy laminated card has all the tips needed to perform it.

Slaying Excel Dragons Videos

The tip card first explains how and why VLOOKUP should be used and covers advanced VLOOKUP topics, such as summing all the matches, finding the last match, and finding a value to the left of the key field. Lookup variants, such as HLOOKUP, LOOKUP, INDEX, and MATCH are also included.

Author:John-Michael KuczynskiISBN:857Genre:PsychologyFile Size:29.75 MBFormat:PDF, KindleDownload:524Read:752Intended for philosophically minded psychologists and psychologically minded philosophers, this book identifies the ways that psychology has hobbled itself by adhering too strictly to empiricism, this being the doctrine that all knowledge is observation-based. In the first part of this two-part work, we show that empiricism is false. In the second part, we identify the psychology-relevant consequences of this fact. Five of these are of special importance: (i) Whereas some psychopathologies (e.g. Obsessive-compulsive disorder) corrupt the activity mediated by one’s psychological architecture, others (e.g. Sociopathy) corrupt that architecture itself. (ii) The basic tenets of psychoanalysis are coherent.

(iii) All propositional attitudes are beliefs. (iv) Selves are minds that self-evaluate. And: (v) It is by giving our thoughts a perceptible form that we enable ourselves to evaluate them, and it is by expressing ourselves in language and art that we give our thoughts a perceptible form.

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Author:Erik RingmarISBN:Genre:HistoryFile Size:85.94 MBFormat:PDF, DocsDownload:136Read:1072This book offers an original combination of cultural and narrative theory with an empirical study of identity and political action. It is at once a powerful critique of rational choice theories of action and a solution to the historiographical puzzle of why Sweden went to war in 1630. Erik Ringmar argues that people act not only for reasons of interest, but also for reasons of identity, and that the latter are, in fact, more fundamental. Deploying his alternative, non-rational theory of action in his account of the Swedish intervention in the Thirty Years War, he shows it to have been an attempt on behalf of the Swedish leaders to gain recognition for themselves and their country.

Slaying Excel Dragons Free Download

Further to this, he demonstrates the importance of questions of identity to the study of war and of narrative theories of action to the social sciences in general.